Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Honoring those who died 11 years ago by living


While I do remember what happened 11 years ago.  However, I think my best way for me to remember those who passed on that day and those who are doing what they can to protect all of us, is to continue living my life.  I do remember where I was and what I did that day. The terror I felt that day is still in me. I am not afraid to live here in America. I just remember how I terrified I was that day.

I am on track with my house cleaning project and I truly feel that it is making a difference. This is a great feeling. Now I need to work into my daily life the best way to work on separating my genealogy into two files. At the moment I need to totally plan just how to make the separation. Splitting the base file is very easy, what I have to plan is how to separate the photo file, and then work on the notes. I am certain that I will figure out the best way for me to do this in just a few days. I want to have it all planed out before I get too far into the project.

It has been a good day, a dear friend called and we had a lovely talk. Then I had an email from another dear friend, and one from a cousin that I am very close to.  If any of you are trying to figure out the best way to do a project of your own I hope you will have great success in figuring out how to do it. Till tomorrow, God Bless all of you!

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