Friday, August 10, 2012

So So Day, stomach doesn't like me today

Today has been a lazy day. It has taken me a long time to get things done, but I did get them done by the end of the day. The storm had us on our toes, we don’t need another tornado the area hasn’t recovered from last year yet. I am not worried about thunderstorms or flooding. Our home is not close enough to any streams to concern us.
My nurse is very pleased with my weight, it is the same has it was last week. This means that I am keeping enough food in me to help keeping me healthy. Katie says I do a great job of taking care of myself. 

I am a little disappointed I tried to listen to an address via the internet a little while ago but it wouldn’t work. I now wonder if that is because of the storm that was passing through. So I think I will try again because the storm has fallen apart and I don’t like it will affect the internet.

From all that I am learning about the Spirit World it sounds like a great place to go and live. It sounds like I will be very busy but I am sure that I will like what I will be doing. However, friends don’t worry; I don’t think I have completed all of what I am here to do. So I need to finish that first. I would feel very rotten if I went to the Spirit World and found that if I had waited another day or two, I would have completed what the Lord wanted me to do here. I also don’t feel like it is time to go either! So everyone can relax I am not going anywhere just yet.

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