Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Disappointed Day

Rotten Wednesday

I tried to go out and run some simple errands but my stomach wouldn’t let me. So I had to have Brooke take care of those things for me.  This afternoon a dear friend stopped by with some cut flowers. It was great to see her. She is a cancer survivor and understands a lot of what I am going through. Even though she went through this stuff over 20 years ago and treatments have changed she still has an idea of my troubles. 

There is a sad comfort being able to talk to someone who doesn’t need an explanation about what is going on with me. I really wish others had never had to deal with this illness, although if no one else had ever had cancer, then my treatment would not be as good as it is. 

Today, I went to the internet and on and I found a great talk about death.  It was an address by Brother Bent L. Top called; “What is This Thing That Men Call Death?” I found this talk very uplifting. I listed all the information in case any of you are interested in listening it yourself.

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