Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day two of being a "Vampire" ha ha ha

Last Night’s Success 

Due to having a successful night last night I am going to up the amount of formula by only 50 ml. Tomorrow we will see how well that sits in my stomach and we may stay at that level for a few days.  My nurse and I talked on the phone today and had a really nice talk about just how much I should up it and for how long. I appreciate the fact that I have the final say in this process. After all it is my body and I know just how I feel, not anyone else.

Jim sent us a link to a recipe for a favorite Filipino dish that he says is easy to fix and tastes great. I was able to print it out so hopefully sometime in the next week or two mom will try making it.

We have been following Storm Isaac, we are both very glad to live here in New England away from tropical storms and Hurricanes. It will be very interesting to see just how much good all the preparation they have made in New Orleans since Katrina have done.  For the sake of the people I hope they will have great success dealing with this hurricane. I also hope that those who were told to leave did just that, and that they are already in better places to ride out this storm. I found it interesting that one leader said that even with all they did learn from Katrina, he expects to learn more from Isaac. The two storms are different and there are always new things to learn. I think he is right, let’s hope that the new things are smaller than what they had to learn seven years ago.

To all my friends and family if any of you or your circle of friends and family are in the path of Hurricane Isaac, I pray that they have taken the correct action for themselves. May we all come through this safely.

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