Friday, August 24, 2012

Crazy Solutions

Hormones Do Odd Things

I saw my cancer doctor’s today. It turns out that this form of cancer really messes with all of the body’s hormones. They believe that my digestive system has slowed to a crawl because of what this cancer has done to the hormones that regulate the digestive system. The solution, get this the medication that I was taking to prevent vomiting helps to speed up digestion so I need to take more of it. But that is not all. Starting later this weekend I will be getting my formula feed for ten hours each night while I sleep, here at home.

The supply house has delivered all but one item that will be delivered in the morning. Then Sunday I will have a nurse come in and train me on how to set everything up each night. My nurse was here today and she says that it will only take 5 minutes for me to learn it. So I will have an IV pole and a pump to control just how much formula goes in overnight.

I think that it is amazing what can be done with modern medicine today.  Just a few years ago I would have had to be placed in some sort of a rehab or nursing home for this to happen. What a blessing to be able to do it myself and at home.

Today, the promised hamburger was enjoyed and it was very worth the wait. I am very grateful that I had that to look forward to the last time I was in the hospital. I find it totally fastinating what can get a person through a rough time. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough to say when someone helps pull you through some very dark times. But that is what this promised did for me and I am very grateful to my new friend and his family they are great people.

Best to each of you.


  1. i love your new picture at the top of your blog! so pretty. love you.

  2. Thank you, my daughter-in-law, Mary is great with a camera and she took the photo back in May.
