Thursday, November 1, 2012

What a wonderful time to be alive

Medically speaking tomorrow will be a very sad day for me. I will have to say good bye to the VNA nurse, Katie that I have had since July. The office has changed her route so that it is closer to her home. I completely understand what they are doing and why but I have a real gem of a nurse. We get along greatly and she takes great care of me. I have been blessed in one way. A couple of times when Katie was out a nurse named Cookie has covered for her and she will be my new nurse. This is a blessing because I have already met this lady and she too is a great nurse. The nurses that do this type of work are very special people and the world needs to know just how wonderful and caring they are.  Katie has done everything in her power to see to it that I always have the supplies that are needed for both of us here in the house. I must say I was pleased to learn that the nurse that came last week, Diane and insisted on giving my port a flush against my wishes has changed her attitude about me and the flush and noted my file. Not only did she do that she has taken every effort to try to prevent me from going through that reaction again, for which I am very grateful.

My biggest concern about changing nurses was being allowed to run out of supplies. However, from what I have learned about the new nurse Cookie, she will not let that happen either.

Medically speaking I feel that I am greatly blessed for someone who is dying of cancer. I have a team of professionals who are doing the best they can to care for me and truly care about my quality of life. Today my primary cancer, Dr. Hu, called and asked me how I was doing in every area of my life specifically has the new treatment changed the quality of my life. How great it is to say no it has not adversely affected it.

We live in a marvelous age and although bad things happen to good people we can choose to live a good life no matter what life throws at us. I would like to believe that I am one of those good people that a bad thing, (cancer), has happened to. 

Part of my being able to have a good attitude about what has happened to me is YOU. Having friends and family who are interested in just how I am being treated and exactly how I am handling it.  I know some of you read every word of my posting and others only skim it. But that is totally okay. What means the most to me is your little notes of encouragement and showing joy in my happiness.

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