Tuesday, November 13, 2012

household helps for comfort.

Even though the tumors seem to have swelled I am finding some relief from the pain. I now sit with a small cushion supporting my lower back and a heating pad on low against my back has well. Then at night I am sleeping with a foam pad on my bed. Today is the first day for the heating pad but I am already feeling relief from it. I am certain that the foam pad is a great deal of help with my back pain. The other night while I was sleeping a bag of recyclable stuff fell over and Mom said the cans made a horrible racket but I slept right through it.

I am now waking up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours. I am wide awake so I work on quiet things while others in the house sleep. Today I have noticed less trouble staying awake during the day. That is a very nice thing. For a couple of weeks now I have been fighting to stay awake to get anything done. But today I had much less of that. This makes me very happy.

Maybe now I can very slowly get back to work on de cluttering my stuff. It has bothered me that I have been to sleepy to get anything done on that project. But I do understand that I must listen to my body.

I am also feeling very encouraged now that I have remembered about the swelling being a good sign that the Mitotane is working. It is really amazing to me just how much difference my attitude is making since I was reminded of that. 

There is no medical news to tell you about and I don’t believe that there will be any until after my doctor’s appointment on Friday.  So the best to all of you, till tomorrow.

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