Friday, November 30, 2012

Today's little update

Today, I woke with some energy, more than I have had in several weeks. But I was careful and I tried to pace myself about the chores that I did. I rested between the few things that I did do. 

I received a call from D’Amour letting me know of my appointment next week to start the process of having the G-tube changed. I see the gastroenterologist on Tuesday, but I don’t know if she will make the change at that time or if she will want to have x-rays taken before doing it. I will find that out when I get there.  

I have lost 10 pounds in this week which is not a good thing. But my nurse thinks that we can wait another week before we get concerned.  At this time I have no appetite at all. I am hopeful that has my body adjusts to all the changes to that have been made to my body. Maybe has I adjust my appetite will come back.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Things are normal, if that is possible for a cancer patient!

I have seen the doctor about my G-Tube (feeding tube) and I learned that it is supposed to be changed every 4 to 6 months just to keep it clean and healthy. It was put in six months ago and has not been changed. Now arrangements are being made for me to go in and have this done has an outpatient procedure. There is also no concern about the rash, she wants me to take a small dose of Benadryl to reduce the itching.  

All of this is good and I feel that everything is going normally for a cancer patient. But then just what is normal for a cancer patient? I am accepting this has normal and I am not going to let this bother me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

possible reaction to new pain medication

Rats, and double rats; I am concerned that I might be having a reaction to the new pain medication. I have developed a rash on my chest right beside the site where it enters my system.  But I need to talk to the medical people and see what they say before I jump to conclusions.

I only slept half of the day today, but I am still staying very quiet. I am sure that I need to give my body plenty of time to adjust to all the changes we are forcing on it. I feel that overall I have had a very good day and I hope you have too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Resting is very important to the sick body

Today I spent most of my day sleeping. I think my body needs sleep to allow it to adjust to all the changes that have been made to it in the last couple of weeks. So I will see how I feel in a couple of weeks. I have lost what little desire for food, I had and am lucky if I ate one meal a day, by mouth. I feel that it is very important to have my night feeding because of this. There have been a few other minor mishaps that I will talk with the doctor about on Thursday.  

My next few blog entries may be short ones but I hope this will help you to understand and not worry about me. Have a great few days.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A long anxious day, but a good one in the end

It has been a very long day, my new pain medication was not delivered until almost 6pm, and thankfully my nurse was here very shortly after. She stayed for a full 2 hours. I felt rotten all day long, very anxious for this change to happen. However, I think this new med is going to work much better than the one we were using.  Because it has been such a long day I am going to head off to bed in just few minutes. I look forward to having a much better day tomorrow. But now I need the rest that I did not get today. 

There is more to tell but it will have to wait until tomorrow’s update. Have a great day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Feeling calm in storm tossed life

I did stay home from Church today, but Mom and I studied a couple of lessons from the Old Testament, yesterday, we did the lesson that we would have had if we had gone to Church today. So we feel well feed spiritually.  We learned great things about the Prophet Joseph and Moses in the O. T. while yesterday we learned great things about Mormon and Moroni. All great men to learn about. 

This afternoon we had company and that was very nice. Being a nurse practioner(sorry I can’t spell for beans), we were able to talk about my health she cleared up a few things for me and made me feel much more comfortable about what will happen this week. That is always a great thing. It was unexpected so the surprise of the visit was also fun.
I took the last tag off the balloon arrangement today.  The last three tags read has follows: Don’t believe everything you think; One day this pain will make sense to you;
but the best was today’s: ta da: 

Sometime God calms the storm . . . sometimes He lets the storm rage and He calm’s His child. 

I think in my case he has let the storm rage and He has calmed this child of His. For which I am very grateful for.