Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shultis house revolving door

Today was anything but quiet! We should have a revolving door on this house. People just kept coming. And when no one was here people were calling. Two or three calls at one time.  Most of them were from medical people so they were calls that I had to take.

Plus we had people stop by to work on the sidewalk. Tomorrow more people will be here to continue to work on the sidewalk. Then they will finish it on Saturday. I don’t know how long it will take for the cement to harden after it is poured on Saturday. But I will be very happy when the project is done and the clean up afterwards is completed. Just maybe then it will be a little more peaceful and quiet around here.

I am hoping that Friday will be very quiet. I know my VNA Nurse will be by to do her weekly care of me. I am praying that her visit will be the only one. I really could use some more rest from being in the hospital.

Again the nurses in the hospital messed up my care. The “aide” woke me up to take my vital signs but the nurse did not wake me to give me my medication. I had to call and ask for it. She gave me a night medication in the morning. Then when she came she forgot to give me the blood thinner shot. Of all medications to forget! Here I am in the cardiac unit because I have a blood clot on my upper right lung and I don’t get the stuff to dissolve it.

I must admit that I do not like giving myself shots twice a day. But I understand how important those shots are so I do it. So I am very glad to be home taking care of myself and knowing that I am getting all the med’s and getting them at the right time. I guess that nurse is not good at multitasking.

Also for any of you who do not connect with me through Facebook I would like to make you aware of a new medical device. It is a modern type of medical alert bracelet. My son Frank got it for me yesterday. Please check out the following website: medicalhistorybracelet.com or call toll free: 1-866-798-4531. I think it is a great device but I know that it might not work for everyone.


  1. Hi Suzie,
    Sorry to hear abut the setback. Glad you're doing better now. Hope the "fumigation" works as desired! Laurie

  2. Hi Laurie,

    This weekend was just a little bump in the road. The blood thinner is working.

    I think it will take a full month before we know how the "fumigation" is doing. At that time the doctors might up the dose of that medication.

    The family has really rallied around me and I am enjoying my life.

