Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sorry this post is being put up so late in the day.

The pain is well controlled and my PCP called me today, yes on a Saturday and told me about a procedure that they might be able to do on me to keep the fluid off of my lungs. She wanted to know if I was interested in having it done. I am interested in getting the facts about the procedure and finding out if I am a good candidate for having it done. After that has been done and I can make a well informed decision then I will give it some very serious thought and prayer. Before we talked about this procedure she wanted to know how I was doing both physically and emotionally. I tell you I have a great doctor. I also had a call from my nurse wanting to know if the changes that were made to my pain pump were working she offered to come over and make more changes if I needed that. But it is not needed.  It is now about 10:45 pm my time and I am very comfortable.

So I am going to call this a very good day. I hope all of you are had a good day today.  Please remember me with happy thoughts and always hold onto those memories of me. That is what I am doing with each of you. You have all touched me in so many great ways. A smile, a hug, a squeeze of my shoulder, a kind word, yes those are all small things but those are the things that matter the most.

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