Hi Folks,
Sorry, yesterday I was too tired to write anything but I was
having a good day just a lot of company. Friends to visit and a family came and
sang carols to us and dropped off gifts. It was a lovely but tiring evening.
Today is a different story; there has been a new
development. I am home, and doing fine.
However, this morning just before noon I noticed that my left hand and arm were
twice the size of my right hand and arm. So I called the doctor’s office. Her
nurse called back and said I needed to come in and be checked out so I did go
in. I did not see my regular doctor, but the doctor I did see was very good.
She is sending me to have a radiological study done of my left shoulder and
arm, looking for a tumor or blood clot blocking the vein and blood flow back to
the heart. The ultra sound will be done
on an outpatient basis in the next day or two. The doctor’s office will call me
tomorrow with the date and time.
I started by sending a text to my VNA Nurse and telling her
what was going on. She advised me to call the doctor and then she came to see
me in between her scheduled patients because she wanted to check me out for
herself. By that time I had the appointment to see the doctor. She asked me to
text her when I got home from the doctors and tell her what the doctor said,
which I did. Now you can see why I think I have some of the greatest VNA nurses
going. She didn’t have to come over to see me or ask me to text her and keep
her updated.
Between now and when I see the doctor again they want me to
keep my arm elevated so that some of the swelling can drain. I am in good spirits;
I am sure that once they get the results of the ultra sound that the doctor’s
will know what to do to take care of me.
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