Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh how the heat gets to me now

Death by Heat!
The summer heat is killing me slowly. It is more than my weak ole body can handle. I tried to eat food at lunch time but it never got to my stomach. So I had another can of my formula. Now it is dinner time and I feel the same way I did at lunch. Mom has made me some mashed potatoes with a little browned ground beef. I am trying to eat it but it is going very slowly. I hate the idea of getting sick.
I tried some of what Mom made me but I just don’t think it is going to agree with me. It tastes good but my stomach doesn’t care about taste.
In the last couple of days I have noticed a new pain in my body. I get a sharp pain under my left breast, almost below my left arm. The pain comes and goes. All I can guess is that the cancer has either spread or grown and so the increased pain. I don’t think there is anything else the doctors can do for me. I know if I ask they will increase my pain medication, all I have to do is ask. Last week when I saw the doctor they did offer to up the medication already. But I declined, I don’t have enough break through pain for a change.
It is very strange to think you can feel the illness that is killing you grow and there is nothing you can do about it. That is how I feel about this new pain in my body. Life is strange with what we go through. I am not sure just what I can learn from all of this but I am trying to keep a positive outlook on life. Once my stomach settles down I think I will be better able to enjoy my life. Due to the heat’s effect on my health I am looking forward to fall weather.

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