Thursday, July 19, 2012

A good day for Suzie

The heat is still keeping me down a little, but not as bad as it did yesterday. I actually had enough energy to do a few little tasks up in my old bedroom. There are things up there that I must go through. Much of it will most likely when end up thrown out. There might actually be a couple of items to pass on to others.
I want to clear out my own stuff and not leave it for my family. I need to DE clutter my stuff just because I moved back home. Before I got sick I realized that I had too much stuff. When you try to put the belongings of two adults into a small house things have to get tossed.
Today I have been able to eat more food. It is so good to depend less on the “granny” formula that I came home on. I had another visit from a nurse with the VNA and my care from these ladies. The nurses say that I am doing wonderful. The only concern the medical world has is my weight. They don’t want me to gain, they just want me to stop losing weight.

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