Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dizzy . . . I am so Dizzy . . .

Dizzy….Dizzy my head is spinning…

What a way to start my day. But it is a crazy feeling.  For the last few days once I put my feet on the floor and walk just a few steps I feel dizzy. That makes it tough to do simple thing like make my bed. For a moment this morning I thought I was going to fall over. That had me worried, because my room is directly over my Mom’s and I would not want to scare her.

Rats to this being dizzy. I was going to try to get a few simple things done before going to treatment. I know that I won’t be able to do much after I get home but. I do think now that I have taken a small break I will try to do another little small thing I have a little time left before I need to go.

It is dinner time and I am ready to call it a day. Those who told me that the effect of radiation build up has you go through the series of treatments are very right. That is just what has happened in my case. Although I have not had the opportunity to do a lot of simple the things I had hoped I would get done I am okay with that.  I am hoping that in about 2 to 2 ½ weeks I will be able to get some of the chores I have been thinking of done.

I even feel dizzy while I am dreaming. Sometimes I feel dizzy in my dreams about dreaming. Now, that is some odd dreams.  Thanks again for your support.

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