Thursday, April 19, 2012

Counting down the treatment 5 to go

I am down to just 5 (oops it should have read 4) more days of radiation therapy. They told me that the last days would be rotten. But if just sleeping these last few days away is the worst of it than I can handle this.

Okay, I would rather do more with my day than have radiation and then go home and sleep. But if it is just for 6 or 7 days that is not bad at all and I am sure I can endure that. In general the long acting pain medication is working very well. About once a day I need to use the medication for the break through pain, but I think that is VERY good.  The team of radiation technician’s that I have is a wonderful bunch of ladies. They have no problem when I remind them that I want 2 or 3 facecloths on the headrest. I don’t know why but it really makes a difference for me. I think it is because of the lymph nodes at the base of my neck, that it helps, they have gotten larger since this therapy has started.

Now I wonder if they will do radiation therapy on those nodes. If it has worked on my adrenal gland, then why not try it. I am not in any pain because of these nodes but it does have me concerned. I think that they have either doubled or tripled in size since they were found in February.

I would like about a week between this round of radiation and the next.  There are a few things that I want to get done. Paperwork, that I need to complete, while I am able to think for myself.

Thank you one and all for your thoughts and prayers. I love the cards, notes on facebook, and emails. They all help to lift my spirits.  Please keep them coming.

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