Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cleaning out

Today it is a cool damp day out. But that has not dampened my spirits. I started the day with a peach flavored Ensure Clear and a banana. Not a bad breakfast. It is lunch time so in a few minutes I will try to create something to eat. Yesterday I did not vomit once and I would like to make today work out the same way.

I need to clean my stuff out of my old bedroom so we can turn that room into a bedroom for 3 of my granddaughters when the need to stay here. Right now they are already using it, but I want to give them more space. So I just pulled most of my dolls out of a china cabinet that I am giving to an old dear friend. That will free up some space. But I am trying to pace myself so that I don’t go too nuts with feeling good.

I want to be able to attend all three hours of Church tomorrow. I plan to bring my portable oxygen tank with me but I don’t know if I will need to use it. Mom is worried that 3 hours at Church is too much for me. But seeing has I will spend 95% of the time just sitting I don’t think it will be any problem at all. If it does make me feel tired when I get home I can always take a nap.

Lunch was refried beans with taco sauce. It not only tasted good it has stayed down! That of course is a major factor. Now it is time to have dinner leftovers from yesterday so I am having a sure thing.  It feels good to know that I have been able to eat “FOOD” today, and not just drink Ensure Clear. It is good but better has a supplement instead of a meal.

Opps, I took 1 piece of peperoni and it did me in. I lost my supper, oh well, live and learn. But I am still LIVING. That is how I am looking at the way the day has gone. It has still been a good day.

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