Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013 may I learn to forgive those to whom I have not rll

It is time for me to place my last post for the year 2012, HOWEVER, it is not the last post of my live.  I plan to post something now. And I want to assure all of my friends that I have seen the new year come in I will see you, at least via post in 2013.

The last few days have been very busy. I am changing around my feeding durning the night and there have been a few bumps in the road. I think I should have a break coming up any minute now. But either way I want to get an hi there, in to all of you. It looks like I did not get a post placed on the last day of December for 2012 but it is now it is January 2, 2013. Guess what I am still among the living! I am living through it so I think that is a very good thing! I would like to see the next few days quiet down a little bit. I guess I am getting old. I would like things to get much quietier; I suppose that could be taken  in a bad way. But at least I am here to complain about them.

When the family first moved my room down stairs it was not being done with the thought of medical safety. It was done from just what will Suzie need. Now it is going to be done from the angle of medical safety. Will I fall or will the nurses fall. Can people get what they need to?  I have tried to make some small changes, but I am too weak to make big changes. Now I have the help of someone who can and will think of everyone’s safety and that is a very good way to do it. This may take a few days but it will be much be better in the long run. Plus I have a some intake into just what I would like to have where and why. I am very grateful for ALL that was done before but this will really be made my room, and won’t that be very nice! MY needs along with the needs of the nurses with those of the nurses will we g  “Officer Piglet” will be put back on patrol but in a very safe place.   This is going to be done in the right way, no tripping over him again.

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