Monday, February 27, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine Weeeeee

Now let me give everyone an explanation about the photo:

A friend of mine called me while I was in the hospital and told me that when ever I feel low to raise my hands up above my head and say WEEEEEEEEE, like the pig in the Gieco commercials. I told her I couldn't I didn't have the pinwheels. It took her three days to find them. But she did and by then I was home and she came over with them. In the meantime another friend made me pinwheels and provided the helmet. The helmet reads "Snooze" her nickname for me.  When I got done laughing the night my girlfriend called me I told the nurses caring for me and they couldn't stop laughing either.

Laughter is one of the things I need to get through this battle. So please laugh with me. I plan to print this photo and take it up to the hospital and give it to the nurses so they can continue to laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine!!!


  1. love to see that positive attitude! know that you are in our thoughts and prayers 3,000 miles away!

    1. Becky, your great! The way I see it you could be on the moon and pray for me and the Lord will hear our prayers. Therefore your being 3,000 miles away is okay. God with hear all of you.

  2. Wow! What a story. Hang in there, Suzie. We're praying for you!

    1. I expect that there will be times when it will be harder to have a positive attitude. But I will keep trying. Please help me to laugh! Leave it to me to have a rare form of cancer. I can't do anything the easy way!!!
